Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1st Month Is Over!

Hey guys, it is the end of the month and I just want to say "THANK YOU" for following my blog and commenting my post. I would also like to say thanks for not sending any disrespectful comments to me just because you are an angry person in life. I hope you have enjoyed the blog site and have been commenting on every post, i really appreciate it. It's funny how when I first started this blog I didn't know what I was in for, many things went through my head as I commented it on YouTube, and tweeted it on twitter. Will it get followers? Will anyone like It? Am I gonna get negative messages? Is anyone going to comment? Are the exact questions that went through my mind, but turns out, IT ACTUALLY WORKED! So I just wanted to say THANKS personally so you guys realize how much it means to me. Shout Outs To: Quest101 for being the first African American follower, thePr0pHetDN20 for being the first Greek/Filipino follower, ThatAnonymousGuy for being the first to send an email to me, UziKid for being the first follower, and cHRIST0pHeR87 for being the first follower to send a post suggestion. AND THANK YOU ALL WHO FOLLOW! We had some ups and downs, site changes, misspelled words, and arguments but we all kept blogging at the end of the day. You guys truly deserve to be called "The Crew"



K1nG Ju5t1n said...

Also shout out to TriusFRANCE for his own work elsewhere

UziKid said...


Jar3d19 said...

Oh yeah triusFRANCE blogspot

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