Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Suelyn Medeiros now has a sex tape with her boyfriend and we are supposed to get the impression that is was "leaked" or "stolen" I mean c'mon we all know that sex tapes are the easiest way to obtain FAME. Now I'm not saying it isn't possible for it to be stolen material, but it is seriously hard to believe.
In conclusion, this whole thing is just flat out sad, really sad. Its funny because she just got arrested for a DUI back in July for being almost twice the legal limit in California(.14) and hitting a parked car while she was driving a DeLorean. Well anyways "Back to the Future,"  Suelyn is now just another fap on a lonely Saturday night. If you want here is the link: (Notice that she keeps looking into the screen like she is performing on a webcam in front of an audience)

Sorry if you wanted the full vid, But I don't spend my money on desperate attempts to get famous. :)


UziKid said...

saw this and laughed cuz she wants to be popular SO BAD

UziKid said...

love the Jeri Lee banner at the top of the page

Anonymous said...

SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, SLUT, WHORE, WHORE, WHORE, WHORE, WHORE, WHORE, WHORE, WHORE. Brainless Useless Dumbass Cunt just like Kim Kardashian

T1mmyD said...

aye yo man, I heard dat shit sucks!! You know where to find it dawg?

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